Water – Waste Water – Trash – Street Department
The Town of Camden provides its residents with many services to help provide a pleasant and well maintained community.
When planning outdoor work that requires digging such as planting a tree, putting in a new children’s play set or excavating for construction, visit www.811Now.com or call 811 before you dig.
811 is a free statewide service created to reduce damage to underground facilities and promote public safety by lowering the number of damage incidents.
Water Department
The first source of public water for the town of Camden was the town pump located at the current corner of SR 75 (Water Street) and SR 218. It was dug about the year 1884 and was in front of a saloon. The well was initially walled in with 30 glazed sewer tiles but after a short time, it was dug three feet deeper. Records show it was “just cold enough to quench the thirst and touch the spot. Many families carried water from this well, and when Main Street got too dusty in hot weather for Ike Snoeberger and old black Tom, the dray horse, Ike and Doe Allison would wet the dust from the town pump.” Town of Camden 1832-1982.
A major fire broke out in February 1925 while Camden was in the process of installing a new water system. Fire loss records show the cost of the buildings and inventory damaged or destroyed was greater than the cost of the new water lines and tower.
The original construction was completed in 1925, expanded in 1988 and upgraded in 1999. The Water Treatment System is located at 194 E. Cumberland Street and provides water for Camden’s 583 residents. It treats about 49,400 gallons daily and over 18 million gallons per year. The town’s water supply comes from two wells and is pumped to the treatment plant for iron and manganese removal. Fluoride and disinfectant is added and the water is then stored in a 150,000 gallon tank.
Jerry Snavely, Jr., manages the day-to-day operations of the water treatment plant and reports to the Town Council. The men are required to attend training and maintain certification. Mr. Snavely has been employed with the town for over thirty years and is certified as WT3 and DSM.
The Water Department is a member of the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water and Indiana Rural Water Association.
Pictures of water before treated, the back-washing process, and clear water after treatment.
![]() Water Department Superintendent |
Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for Camden Water Department – 2019-
Click here for the “Consumer Confidence Report”*
* This file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF files.
Waste Water Department
The Camden waste water system was installed in 1972-1973, expanded in 1998 and updated in 2013. The system consists of the collection system, lift station, two waste stabilization lagoons and a polishing lagoon. The State of Indiana requires the waste water to be tested for e-coli, which is currently done at the Delphi Treatment Plant, and ph, total suspended solids, carbon biochemical oxygen demand, and ammonia-nitrogen which are tested in the Camden lab. The plant operates under a NPDES permit for discharge issued by the state. The system upgrades made in 2012 include renovated manholes, reconstruction of the lift station, an ammonia treatment process tank and an UV disinfection unit. These changes meet current and anticipated IDEM requirements.
The Utility Superintendent, Jerry Snavely, Jr., is 1-SP certified. Additionally, he is required to attend classes for continuing certification.
Trash Service
Curb side trash service, provided by Clinton County Disposal, is on Thursdays. Household trash, grass clippings and bundled brush or small limb (no more than 3 feet in length and 2” in diameter) are allowed. For sanitation purposes and to avoid blowing trash, garbage must be contained in plastic bags or trash cans. The use of trash cans is encouraged because they help to prevent spillage by animals. Unacceptable items include but are not limited to Freon bearing appliances, car batteries, hazardous materials, oils, chemicals, liquid paint, oil base paint, and tires. If an item is in question, please contract Clinton County Disposal. For large items, please call Clinton County Disposal at 1-800-892-4804 to arrange pickup. A fee will be billed directly to you for large items. For example, a couch cost $10 to have it taken away. No concrete, dirt, or sod should be placed out for removal. No electronics can be taken. Large appliances can only be taken on Spring Clean-Up Day.
Leaves are banned from Indiana landfills and therefore cannot be hauled with trash. The town provides leaf removal service in the fall. Customers are asked to rake their leaves to the curb for pick-up. No branches or rocks are to be in the leaf piles because of damage to the equipment.
Transfer Station and Recycling Center
Items not accepted by the weekly trash service may be taken to the Carroll County Transfer Station and Recycling Center, located at 1298 N 625 W, Delphi. Please call the Center at 765-564-3114 with questions about any charges which may be applied for trash disposal.
The recycling center will accept cardboard, newspapers, magazines, steel and aluminum cans, glass, paper, and #1 & #2 plastics. These items can be brought in 24 hours a day and deposited in the proper drop areas. Items accepted only during regular business hours are electronics, tires, oil, batteries, fluorescent lights and appliances. There is a fee for the disposal of tires. Please remember the trash service can not collect electronics, tires, oil, batteries, fluorescent lights and appliances with Freon; they are banned from the landfills. Those items must be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner, which the transfer station will arrange. Regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 9am – 4 pm and Saturday 8am until noon.
Other Recycling Services
Fluorescent bulbs can be recycled at Home Depot or Lowe’s.
Pharmaceutical Drug Collection and Disposal is available at the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, 310 W Main Street, Delphi. Liquid medicines are not accepted. Remove or black out the personal information printed on the pharmacy labels but leave the meds in their original package or container. Unwanted or expired prescription drugs must be disposed off in a safe manner to protect the environment and your drinking water.
Old Cell Phones are also recyclable through the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office web site via a link to “Cell Phone Bank.org“.
Recycle your Used Car through the non-profit, Wheels for Wishes following the link: (http://ohkyin.wheelsforwishes.org/ ). This organization benefits Make-A-Wish in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. They tow away, auction off and recycle old cars free of charge.
Used Eyeglasses can be taken to Dr. D.J. Harmon’s office at 103 Howard Street in Flora. These glasses are collected for the local Lion’s Club.
Another great source for recycling information and project ideas using recyclable material can be found at: http://www.indianarecycling.org/recycle/educational- resources/
Street Department
The Town of Camden offers a wide range of services for our town citizens. Through planning and wise budget decisions, the town has an excellent street program. Listed below are several services provided by our dedicated duo:
Leaf Pick-Up
The Street Department usually begins the leaf pick-up around the third week in October and continues until most leaves have dropped. The schedule can change depending on weather and the availability of town employees. Please remember to rake the leaves to the curb where the machine can reach them. It is helpful if they are arranged in a long row instead of a pile. To prevent damage to the machine, do not rake or place sticks or large rocks/stones in the piles.
Snow Removal
Snow is removed from the streets and drivable alleys. Tax dollars are saved by using available town employees instead of hiring independent contractors for this job. The town has purchased a new truck to replace the used 1984 GMC purchased in 1992. (As an interesting side note, this truck was a Schwan’s Ice Cream truck that was purchased used and converted to street department use). Streets are kept clean and salted as needed. Residents are cautioned to use care in winter driving. Your town streets may be clear and passable but the country roads are subject to drifting snow.
Street Scapes and Town Property Maintenance
The Street Department maintains all property owned by the Town. Areas are mowed, weed-eated and sprayed throughout the summer. Trees on public property are professionally removed if found to be diseased or badly damaged. The Street Department does limited pruning of town owned trees.
Street Paving
The Street Superintendent maintains a schedule for street paving to ensure town streets are properly paved and sealed. Before the yearly budget process is completed, the Town Council reviews the needs to ensure adequate funding is available. Work is contracted out to independent contractors.
Mosquito Control
Mosquito control is performed by Town employees within the town limits and, as a service to the Jackson Township, at the Camden-Jackson Township Public Park. Spring and summer are prime mosquito times. Citizens can help with control by not allowing water to stand in open containers, old tires, ditches, stagnant ponds, etc. These areas are prime breeding sites for mosquitoes. Please clean your bird baths and garden ponds on a regular basis. Protect yourself with proper insect repellant.